New demo and new balance!

Hi, everyone!

We were wrong! The last demo version was boring. We delayed battles too much. We released new units too late. We made many mistakes in the game balance. We apologize and sprinkle ashes on our heads.

The main changes in this demo version are balance related. The detailed list of changes is below, but for now I will list the most important ones.

First of all, the combat time has been significantly reduced. This was a big problem with all the old builds of the game. Now you get to an island, figure out its tactics, and win. Or die... Either outcome will happen quickly, and you won't have time to get bored.

Second, we are giving out the first three squads for the first five levels, which greatly expands the tactical possibilities in the game. It's a shame that we didn't realize this sooner and instead focused on items and objects in the level.

And third, we've redesigned the items. We've significantly reduced the number of healing potions, and we're giving out more dummies instead. And in the future, we will focus on items that enhance tactical abilities rather than just buffing squads.

A full list of game changes:

  1. Difficulty levels do not work! No matter what you choose, you will be playing on "Normal" difficulty.
  2. Old saves will be deleted!
  3. Performed a complete rebalancing of levels in the direction of reducing the battle time.
  4. Reduced the number of active enemy spawn locations to 2 (sometimes up to 3). These locations are highlighted with purple light.
  5. Significantly reduced the health of decoys, but added an item to buff them. We now advise against fighting under decoys at all times.
  6. XP rebalancing. Towards the end of the demo, units should have passive abilities.
  7. New passive abilities for mages and hunters.
  8. Now mages can't fight in melee. Books are poor melee weapons, as Jason Bourne confirms.
  9. Mages projectiles now ignore low obstacles and fences.
  10. Squad UI has been updated to provide more useful information.
  11. Credits dialog has been added, come in to meet us!

We hope you will enjoy the new version of the game! We are always waiting for your feedback and suggestions in the comments. Thank you for following the news about our game! Good luck and health to you and your family.


Eternal Mist Demo 0.6.0 (Windows) 56 MB
32 days ago
Eternal Mist Demo 0.6.0 (Linux) 59 MB
32 days ago

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